
ARCPA Membership

How to Apply

membership appApplications for new or upgraded membership can be submitted online at, or you can download an application, here

Downloaded applications can be returned by

  • Email to
  • Fax to 501.664.8320
  • Postal mail to 11300 Executive Center Drive, Little Rock AR 72211  


Do You Qualify for Membership?


Student Members

Student membership applies to students attending a recognized College/University with an interest in the Accounting profession. Student membership status is granted at no cost and is held through graduation, after which the membership should be upgraded to the next applicable membership category. Submit a student application at  

Associate Members

Associate membership applies to individuals who are seeking to become a licensed CPA, or who have met the requirements and are awaiting a CPA license to be issued. Applicants may qualify for associate membership if they have passed the CPA exam, but have not met the one-year experience requirement; or have graduated and are actively sitting for the CPA exam; or is a professional staff employee, engaged in a full time accounting capacity. Applications for associate membership must be sent in with a $25.00 application fee. Applications can be submitted online at

Certified Members

You may qualify for certified status if you are a CPA serving as an employee in public practice, partner, shareholder, individual practitioner, industry, government, commerce, legal, or educator. Applications for certified membership may be submitted with a $25.00 application fee and the applicable dues. Submit a certified application at

Faculty Free

Faculty free is a complimentary membership available to individuals who are serving as full-time accounting professors at Arkansas colleges or universities, who agree to participate in at least three society activities per year. Application fees and annual dues for this classification will be waived. Applications can be submitted online at
Download the application to learn more. Faculty Free Applicationfaculty free

Life Membership

Life members of the Society are those members who have had a consecutive ARCPA Membership of 40+ years with no prior resignations or terminations of membership on file, and have been determined by the Board to have ceased to be in active practice or employment because of health or age, and have had the standing of Life membership conferred by the Board. Upon Board approval, Life members shall not be required to pay annual dues or assessments levied by the Society.

Life Membership Application and Guidelines

Get the Most Out of Your Membership

The ARCPA provides you with the tools and resources you need to be the best in your field by offering a variety of member benefits such as:

  • Continuing education courses and conferences at discounted rates to help you stay on top of current issues affecting your profession and keep your practice competitive
  • Networking opportunities where you can exchange ideas and information with other accounting professionals
  • Updates on legislative and regulatory issues affecting the accounting profession
  • Helpful resources and links for specialized industries
  • And more....

Learn more about how you can benefit from ARCPA membership at:

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