Marketing Guide

Advertise with ARCPA

If you market your business services or products to trusted accounting professionals, imagine how you could increase your sales by advertising with Arkansas’ premier organization for CPAs. Advertising with ARCPA will get you noticed.

Connect with Arkansas CPAs and accounting professionals to showcase your business and services.


Grow your business with ARCPA advertising opportunities. Maximize your visibility with Display and Classified Ads in our monthly online newsletter, by posting online classified ads on our website, or by posting an ad in our ARCPA Leadership Guide. For information on all your advertising options, please contact us.  

Affinity Partnerships

The Arkansas Society of CPAs is pleased to offer partnership opportunities to businesses that provide discounts and special values to our members. We seek partnerships that can provide high quality, great value, and exceptional service to our members.

Business Development Leads

ARCPA's Knowledge Hub syndicates content to our audience of approximately 3,000 members, who become the source of high-quality, intent-based leads to fuel your business. Utilize our lead generation platform to expand your company’s reach. Packages are available for purchase on a cost-per-lead model; you only pay for the leads you receive. Receive real-time lead notifications of everyone who downloads your content.  Learn more


Network with decision-makers and build relationships at ARCPA events.


Make your brand known and support the CPA profession as a sponsor at ARCPA Events.

To learn more, please view our Marketing Guide.     

Contact Us   

Call us

  • (800)482-8739 (in Arkansas)
  • (501)664-8739 


Robin Harris