CPE Policies
Cancellation, Refund, and Transfer Policy
Full refund, less a $10.00 Service Charge, will be made if notice of cancellation is received at least 60 days prior to course or conference date.
Full refund, less a $25.00 Service Charge, will be made if notice of cancellation is received between 10 and 60 days prior to the course or conference date.
NO REFUND WILL BE MADE IF NOTICE OF CANCELLATION IS RECEIVED LESS THAN 10 DAYS PRIOR TO COURSE OR CONFERENCE DATE. Registrants may not transfer from one course to another, but may send a substitute attendee in their place.
For hybrid events that offer an in-person and virtual option, registration transfers from one option to the other will not be allowed within 7 days of the program.
CLE Approval for Courses and Conferences
If you are an attorney and would like to receive CLE credit for an ARCPA course or conference you attend, please advise the CPE Manager in advance so that the proper paperwork can be filed with the Supreme Court. You will be notified if and when the course is approved for CLE credit.
Confirmation Policy
If you do not receive a course or conference confirmation within 5 days of registration, please contact ARCPA office to verify your enrollment. Confirmations are generally emailed the same day your registration with payment is received.
Course/ Conference Cancellation
Courses may be cancelled due to low registration numbers. If a course is cancelled, registrants will be contacted by phone and given the opportunity to transfer to another course or receive a full refund. PLEASE REGISTER AT LEAST 14 DAYS PRIOR TO A COURSE. Courses with too few registrants may be cancelled.
Course/ Conference Fees
The course vendors use variable pricing for the various programs; therefore, each course is priced individually depending on the program costs.
Course/ Conference Descriptions
For additional information or a detailed description of any ARCPA course, please log on to the ARCPA website at www.arcpa.org.
CPE Chapter Presentations
ARCPA Chapters are allowed to offer up to and including eight hours of CPE in conjunction with monthly Chapter Meetings, subject to a limit of sixteen hours per calendar year. All other courses must be sponsored through the Society office.
CPE Manuals
All course manuals will be provided in electronic format (unless otherwise noted) and are included in your registration fee. Download information will be sent approximately one week prior to each program. Manuals will remain available for download up to 7 days after a course/conference.
CPE Transcripts
As a member, you can easily track your CPE hours on the ARCPA Website. All courses taken through the Society are automatically uploaded to your account so that when you log in they will appear under your CPE History. You can also add courses to your account that you have taken elsewhere. This is an easy reference tool for you to manage your professional learning and to ensure all your CPE hours are accounted for and organized in one place.
ARCPA reserves the right to make changes to prices, dates, locations, and speakers at any time without notice. Information presented at ARCPA conferences and seminars are subject to change and should only serve as a foundation for further study. Views expressed are that of the discussion leader or author and are not necessarily endorsed by ARCPA. ARCPA does not assume any financial responsibility for any expenses incurred by registrants who must cancel travel arrangements due to course cancellation.
Instructor CPE Credit
An instructor of a continuing professional education course sponsored by ARCPA will receive double CPE credit for teaching a course for the first time during a fiscal year.
Lunch is included with all conferences and eight-hour courses held in-person. Lunch is not included with four-hour courses. If there is a specific dietary requirement, please call the ARCPA CPE Department at least five (5) days prior to the class.
Pricing/ ARCPA Members
Members of ARCPA will receive a $100.00 discount per day for each course and conference. Member pricing is available to individuals who are members or applicants of ARCPA, who have paid their dues in full. ARCPA also recognizes membership in the Arkansas Bar Association and other State Societies, if a reciprocal agreement exists.
Pricing/ AICPA Members
Members of the AICPA will receive a $30.00 discount. Member pricing is available to individuals who are members of the AICPA and only on courses denoted with **.
Program Times
All eight-hour courses, unless otherwise noted, begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. Conferences and other special program times will be publicized by brochure or flyer, and tailored to that specific program. Registration and continental breakfast begin thirty minutes prior to the program start time.
Registrations are accepted by mail, fax, phone, or online. Registrations are honored on a first-come, first-served basis, and must include full payment by check or credit card. NO SPACE WILL BE RESERVED UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED IN FULL.
Substitution Policy
There is no charge for sending a substitute to a course or conference, unless the person is a non-member. The substitute must pay the price difference prior to attending the course or conference. Also, if the original registrant received the AICPA discount, the substitute must also be an AICPA member or pay the price difference prior to attending the course or conference.
Sale of Course Material
Seminar materials cannot be sold individually.
All ARCPA courses and conferences are designated as non-smoking.
Self-Study/ In-House CPE
To receive a Self-Study or In-House Packet, please contact the Society office. The packet contains catalogs from various vendors that offer quality self-study and in-house programs. Your orders may be placed directly with ARCPA. For online CPE, check the ARCPA website at www.arcpa.org.
What to Wear